FIFA 19 is not running smoothly (PS4 Slim)?

- in PlayStation

I have a pretty annoying problem.

When I installed Fifa 19 on my PS4 Slim, I was able to play for about 1 week without any problems.

Then suddenly came from the nothing partial stuttering.

These come mostly after standard situations, so if there's a cut and the game is played again.

These sometimes take up to 3 minutes and suddenly disappear again. Often they disappear again after a new cut.

It's not like there's nothing left to control, but it's very bad, especially if you have to react quickly. It just feels like you're playing with half as many fps as normal.

Of course I downloaded the game a couple of times. At the beginning you can always play 2-3 days without problems, and then they are out of nowhere. As soon as the game stops for the first time, they keep coming back.

It makes no difference if I play online or offline, and it is also mode-spanning.

In other games I have never had this problem, and especially with Fifa 19 one should think that graphically and computationally there should be no problems…

Does any of you have any advice?


Yesterday the servers were down


The reason is quite simple, the PS4 has reached its limit.
I had similar problems with Need for Speed Payback.
The lags became more than less.

At Horizon Zero Dawn and at Diablo 3 I partly had the problem that I could not even steer properly and the character did everything, just not what I wanted.
It helped that I changed the PS4 against the PS4 Pro during an action in the Gamestop.


And now?
Disconnected servers do not cause laggs.


Maybe your PS4 takes too much of this game.


That can't be it, I have been able to play Red Dead Dedemption 2 without any stuttering.

In addition I can play as described above 2-3 days without problems fifa. If the console was too "weak", I would already have Ruckler from the beginning.


In addition, I have the problem for several months