Do you have auto-massage assistant on PC (Fortnite)?

- in PlayStation

I went from a Ps4 to a PC.

There I play Fortnite again but I can't get my mouse and keyboard at all.

I prefer to continue playing with my controller but I realize that I don't have an Aimassist now the question is with the controller still have an aim assist on the PC, I know you don't have it with a mouse and keyboard, but you can somehow do it with one Activate controller?


Ne bro on pc you have to aim yourself


If you can't play shooter without aim assist, you've probably just picked the wrong game genre. If you have Aim assist on your PC, you will probably be banned because you are not allowed. (Luckily)


When you connect the controller, you should automatically get Aim Assist on the controller, only this will go away when you touch the keyboard again.


Aimassist is allowed in fortnite, controller players can activate it in the settings. That the aimassist is completely op is another matter


Where exactly can I find this in the settings?


Just leave it. It is extremely unfair to the others