My upload to the PS4 Slim is slower in the LAN than in the WLAN. Can someone

- in PlayStation

I have a following problem. I recently switched from Telekom to Unitymedia. I connected the router and put it into operation. 1000 are booked in the download and 50 Mbits in the upload. But when I plugged the Telekom LAN cable into the new router and then tried it on the Ps4. I suddenly noticed that I get 160 Mbits in the download, but only 16 Kbits in the upload. Before that, I received 3 Mbits from Deutsche Telekom in the upload. I then changed the DNS twice (once to and and once to and, as did MTU (once to 1450 and once to 1473). But when that didn't work I connected the computer with the same LAN cable and got the booked speed. I also connected the PS4 to the router via Wi-Fi and then 10 Mbit came up in the upload, only when I play GTA, for example, and the PS4 sometimes has no connection to the router, the game crashes, which is very annoying. But if I connect to the telecom router via LAN again, 3 Mbits will be uploaded again.

My question now is, do you have to set anything in the router or are there other ways to change the settings on the PS4 so that there's more upload.

I thank you in advance.


Hard to say. Could be the router. Unitymedia / Vodafone should actually send you a new one. This is usually also configured on the Vodafone network.

Of course, it is strange that your PC is receiving the correct speed and the PS 4 is not.

Do you have any other LAN-compatible devices with an RJ-45 connector that you could test? Then you could go into more detail whether the problem is really with the router or rather with the Playstation.


I get this low speed with the Unitymedia router. The Telekom router is ok. I tried other devices and hatvalles worked there.