Online games on PS4?

- in PlayStation

I've had PS + for a while now, right in advance. Recently I renewed my membership (on June 30th) for one year via Amazon online code. Now I wanted to play CoD WW II and Starwars Battlefront II online and I can connect anywhere, but if I then get into a match (which is currently loading, which has not yet started), I can't get out of the loading screen. So I wait 5 minutes or so and then it says "Timeout when connecting to the host / server" or at Starwars the round is simply over without me doing anything. I tried 2 hours yesterday to get into a game but it was always the same. By the way, I also have a problem with GTA. Since I get into the lobbies and can do something there, I don't find any lobbies with other players anymore and if I want to do missions then only the other members join but nobody really comes in (they leave before they even go inside were). I would also like to mention that I share my PS + with another share (he has my account so that he can also play) and I think that it comes from it, but I don't know. Could it be that way? That I can't anymore because I'm not the primary PS4 anymore? Or what else could it be because only the story gets boring again and again (all other games I've already done)

I'm very happy about helpful answers (which do not tell me to get PS +. I will only need that again in a year!)


It's not because of the share. I would once again create your internet connection to the ps4 if necessary if it does not help to reset the ps4 or your router.