PS5 or PC? - 1

- in PlayStation

I saw the trailer from the PS5. I don't really know. On the other hand, I don't like the design. Couple games are really cool I have to say.

So what would be the better choice: PC OR PS5?

I want to make my own games later, AND maybe animate some games, not many. I think the PS5 can't do that. I'm also a part of a gamer, I like to gamble in my free time but at consoles you have to pay to play online. That's stupid, especially if you don't gamble as actively as I do.

What would be better with my goal? What would fit better?

And which PC? (Which PC would be as strong as a PS5? Does anyone know a PC that you can put together yourself and is then as strong as a PS5?)

I would be glad.


You can always upgrade PC if it is too bad
PS5 has certain parts in it that will not run as well at some point

I think PC makes more sense but everyone has his (you can also connect a PS4 controller to pc)


I want to make my own games later, AND maybe animate

I can only advise you on a PC, you won't get very far with a console.

I don't have a comparable PC right now because the game performance and the price of the consoles are not yet known.

In addition, you can always upgrade a PC and you don't need to buy a whole new one, as with consoles. I would therefore recommend building yourself.

You can also use controllers for Xbox and PS on the PC.


I say this:

You can't say that across the board.

If I now assume you have absolutely no technical devices, a PS will probably come cheaper than a gaming PC.

But then there's more the question of the meaning. If you have a PC you always have to be up to date if you want to play new games. With a PS you only have to buy the newer console


I would definitely get a PC, because you can easily upgrade again later, if the performance is not enough for you.

You also have more options, as you said, for example programming, cutting videos etc.


PC for learning and trying out. Consoles are pure "toys". There are also creative titles, such as "Dreams" on the PS4, with which you can design your own games, but that is only within the framework of the set.

The hardware of the PS5 is not yet available 1: 1 for PC. AMD has produced components specially developed for Sony from their new CPU and GPU generation. You could of course get the performance out of today's components, but by the end of 2020 it should be easier to practically recreate a PS5. As a precaution, I would reserve the budget of a middle-class PC (> 1000 EUR) in advance.


Okay will look!


Doesn't have to be as good as PS5, just to let it run well in games, not completely overpriced now, just to let games run (gamble a lot) But I think well because I have to test my game myself.


Job but 500 euro for a new console just to play games is already well.


I give you right, just believe me with a PC that could be a fraction of the cost. So with the PC you could need more