Why do I enter a PC lobby when I play PC only with 3 people on PS4 PC lobby?

- in PlayStation

Why do I enter a PC lobby when I play PC only with 3 people on PS4 PC lobby?


Huh what? Can you ask that again in straight sentences?


This is because PC players are better on average than Ps4 or console players, and it would be unfair if a PC player plays against a lot of console players!


You probably invited them to your lobby because the lobby or party inviter "determined" which lobby your group would be moved to. Eg: Ps player invites you = PS Lobby PC player invites Ps player = PC Lobby


No PS4 invited me…


And how do I get better at the PC?


Because always the servers of the best platform are taken

The order looks like this


-Xbox / PS4

-Switch / Mobile


His season6 is so that no pc player stops coming to ps lobby

Playing a ps4 and a pc player together they come in the pc lobby

If somebody plays on pc with ps4 controller he comes on pc lobby

If someone plays on ps4 with mouse and keyboard he ends up in the pc lobby

If somebody plays with controller on mobile he lands at controller lobby

So in short: it is impossible that one comes with mouse and keyboard on pc

if you go on ps4 in the ps4 lobby and then connect your mouse and keyboard you will beckoned by lobby

if you go in the mobile lobby and your controller connects the controller inputs are ignored