Why are people the way they are today?

- in Twitch

Hereby I want to get rid of one thing that has been bothering me for some time. I'm not so involved in these new things as Twitch, insta etc, but slowly it's enough for me.

look at this picture and tell me why?

Why are people the way they are today

Other people are starving, people are looking for education and they do not get any, other people are shoveling in factories so we can buy cheap and the money saved is then invested in people who already have money and who do not have any existence problems. Kids donate their pocket money to such streamer. Are we already so eaten up or selfish that our brain and our consciousness is already completely dead? That if we donate something anyway do it out of sheer selfishness and not think it over with reason? It's okay that somebody who wants to entertain for free also somehow wants to give something back, but if the tens of thousands or thousands of viewers, it is not necessary that everyone pumps in a lot of money. As long as he does not have to worry, is he alright? What makes such people more important than the people who suffer because of us? A donation is always a good thing. A gift is a good thing in itself. But you should really think about who really deserves it. What's your opinion?


Why do some people break down in poorer countries and get almost nothing for it, while some in rich countries do comedy, entertainment (such as sports, TV or Youtube idiocy, etc.) etc. And does God know how much to get?

That is unjust, that is exploitation, transfer of wealth from the poor countries to the rich. A politician who takes care of it is Mrs. Wagenknecht. I can't think of any more.

You have to ensure global justice. But as long as some maintain pure capitalism, instigate wars, oppress others, and support dictators and other hustlers compliant with the system ("it un hijo de puta, pero es nuestro hijo de puta"), it is unfortunately true that some work hard and to dedicate their wages to those who do not contribute to this world.


Donating to Twitch is a voluntary thing as much as a homeless begging in front of the Mcdonalds. Why do you choose the streamer?

Pop stars have their concerts and CDs they sell. A product is presented and a price is determined. You want the product so you pay for it too. At least that's still a normal barter.


What do you expect? The youth is going down, I'm also just 16 years old and see how the children are perishing. Every kid here, and then they quickly start smoking and drinking alcohol and girocard the min… I also have pc and games and could have a lot more. But I find it disgusting as a teenager at this time. 10 years ago, the football field was still full, today they shoot the ball through digital gates of FIFA… The language is degenerating, the youth is degenerating, they are Dumber, they give a fixx to starving people, I have already donated in my life. I do not have any sensible friends, they all have drugs, they're hanging out in front of the PC, nobody's going to do sports with me.

It really annoying slow, the empty football fields should give you something to think about. Besides, you only see sad, pale, streaming music all night long

Meeting earlier; outside, partying, sports, football, talking and having fun, respect, loyalty

Meeting today: inside, watching games, and artificially freaking out, but football only with FIFA, taking drugs, smoking, being drunk by day, talking stupidly

I'm 16 years old and martial arts, I'm out every day doing something with my cousin, I'm playing the real football.

The citizen becomes more transparent through comfort, if it continues like this people can die out soon because this is not a real life.

makes something of your life


"What makes such people more important than the people who suffer because of us?"

Nothing, and in that respect, I sign your view 100%.

The capital-oriented society knows how to profit from all (!) Dispositions of man. Forming such supposed heroic figures as streamer, athlete or musician, who can cry out depending on kids or adults, is ultimately based only psychological principles such as a great uncertainty and disorientation out of which some people create alpha animals to which they can look up. And if you spend day after day in such groups / associations / … Is it possible to shape the less well-wielded stratum of our society, make it dependent and form the view to the tunnel. And then it's just a stone's throw to donate money. Most people are nowhere near as aware and master of things as they believe, but also subject to manipulation of any kind.

I consciously distance myself from such human idols and also this whole celebrity cult. You also have to be damn cautious on such platforms, with what and to whom one bangs his mind. And I can understand those who do without such media, which is almost unthinkable today.


What does that concern any of you. Time simply changes. It is always easy to portray the youth as degenerate. Yes, the youth of today… It is bad. So here in the village of the football club is still the largest club even before the fire department in which we also have 20 youth members. I mean such characters as ninja are really shice and those who find him cool are certainly not people I want to talk to, but this eternal grumbling about the '' youth of today '' is so on my bag. Always shave this over a comb. I also used to smoke when I was 15 with 14 and spent a lot of time in front of the pc. That's why I still did my abi and now slow down. And stupid is the youth already not the are not stupider or smarter than any other generation.


Not all teenagers are like that, but I know only two that are still clear in my head, it's really bad for me, it's just the youth and their idols


For your 16 years you have a pretty strong consciousness. Use this and let us change something.


One who sees it exactly like me, I once had so many friends, today nobody really because they have all changed


But why do we have the money for so much entertainment, but not many?