Can my ps4 be broken or damaged by a lightning strike?

- in PlayStation

So in the evening I play it true like 20: 15-20: 30 and all of a sudden there was an unannounced thunder for 3-4 minutes and there was a bang outside and I thought nothing until suddenly my brother came down and said a lightning bolt I had hit with us and I asked if he was joking, he was so no no, then I asked if everything was fine with him, he just had his plug flashing in my room and it was true for me too. And now I had a little read about lightning strikes and high voltages in the electricity line and my question is now! Whether my ps4 might be broken or damaged, it still continued to run, but as a precaution I turned off the ps4 like monitor and then turned off the plug, so I ask whether it could be damaged?


Yes, there may be times when lightning strikes your PS4 through the power lines. This is of course unlikely, but it did cause the Ethernet connection on my PC to break.


I mean it is still running and my light chain that I used to gamble on has briefly shined brightly in blue, I just got the ps4 and that's why I'm worried


As long as it is still running and not unusually loud or anything like that, everything should be fine. Your LED chain should not have suffered any further damage if it is still running.


Ok, it's still going perfectly and thank you👍


You're welcome.


(Just read the title)

Ne ne ne the ps4 is not like the hammer from Thor simply indestructible a real lightning rod it is by no means completely cooked through and ready for the feast no no