I bought the MSI Optix AG32CQ a few weeks ago. This can be 144 Hz and 1 ms. In the monitor settings, however, it only shows 60 hz and with the Ps5, for example, I can't activate coldwar to 120 hz. My question is is it because of the HDMI cable? And then do I have to get a DP port - HDMI cable so that the 144 Hz can work?
Either it is due to the cable (would recommend dp anyway) or the game itself. Some games can't be played with so much fps. They are simply not programmed for it. But I think it's more the cable
The ps5 can't do 144hz
It can't be the supplied cable either
Are you sure you can play cold war at 120Hz?
Yes, cold war has a 120 Hz setting, but it is locked with me and can't activate it
Ne also cold war should actually be able to achieve 120 Hz there's also an extra setting. The only question would be whether it would work with a dp-hdmi adapter
Then it is probably due to the HDMI cable. Buy a DisplayPort cable, they are faster and more efficient
Only the ps5 has no display port connection, a dp cable was included with the monitor
Hdmi to displayport adapter and better hdmi cable, as far as I know, there are also hdmi 2.0 cables that support 120hz. Take a look around