I often hear that you (in addition to the basic commands, so "thank you", "understand", "collect", etc) and other communication commands such as "I follow you." can give. Unfortunately I could not find out how it works with the console Playstation 4 and would be glad about a manual or something.
Do not get me wrong… And even if that is now full oftopic… Why do you play games like overwatch on a console?
All good. I'm generally changed by detroit become human. That's why I started playing everything on the console.
Yes, but no eig console game
It does not matter as long as I enjoy it xd
I would not enjoy the control XD
It would not be fun to question why someone on the console plays something I would not enjoy doing there. Nevertheless, people do…
It depends on how you use your orders. If you, for example, 'Collect' on someone presses, there's suddenly 'I follow you'. Just try everything by clicking other people with the commands.
Nice that you think I'm one of the constantly rumbling over something like that is not that it's just a fact that plays like overwatch in the direction of e-sports now let's play pc better
Danke. Try it out right now!
Use the voice chat. Is much more effective.
Try it often, but hardly anyone is in channel xD
In higher Elo everyone uses that.
Not everybody. There are also people who do not use it, because if 2 shot call the eigtl enough