Price per hour for garden maintenance how high? 10 euro too little?

- in PlayStation

So our former garden helper came as a student of the pocket wallet to us and has maintained the garden for 10 euro per hour.
For 2 years now, he has been a freelancer and has charged 30 euro per hour without charge and 39.50 euro. Find that something outrageous. I mean this is a work that everyone can dully just lacks the time and our garden is big and hillside. In addition, I do not even earn gross so much and drive the last scrap car.
Offered him 15 euro and he declined. His statement was: Jup is +2 euro per hour for me. I do not have enough orders and others pay. I prefer to work there instead of working for nothing or sitting in front of the Playstation. Do I have more of. '!
Pretty outrageous. I already went up to 180 when I heard the 39.50 euro.
And he has a car (Skoda rommster or so) clearly the machines of all brands but still too high or not?
Outrageousness is something these days and he is also unlearned.
I mean 10 euro per hour for lawn mowing would be fine and for hedge cut 12 euro more than enough?
How much would be used?


So, if everyone can do Dully's work then look around for a new one. Then you will notice all Gartenpfelge people have such prices. And if you say he has brand machines because yes have to be paid. His car needs fuel are all costs.


You have already asked the same question. So read the answers again


The market determines the price and if he can earn at others 30 euro / h +, why should he make it cheaper? If you can't afford it, you can look for someone cheaper