Dark Souls 1 Ps4 no callsigns spawn bin lvl 106 NG +?

- in PlayStation

I don't spawn any callsigns from other players in DS1 in front of Nito and Seath. I'm in NG + and lvl 106.

In the network settings. Everything is activated so that it should work.


Don't the players in the Souls titles have to be of a similar level so that you can even call them? I would imagine that not many players of such a high level are waiting in front of these bosses to be summoned.

I myself struggled to find players in most DarkSouls titles or only in exceptional cases was my character summoned by other players, even though I sometimes really waited a long time in front of the boss rooms.

I was only able to conjure up a help in front of Smough and Ornstein with a lot of luck, which unfortunately was destroyed by an invader shortly before the boss fight… -.


Nito and Seath aren't exactly the bosses you need help with either. Accordingly, there are fewer people who want to offer help there. And certainly not at such a high level.


Probably no callsigns have just been set, or the callsign-setters have too different levels, which may vary by a maximum of 10 if I remember correctly. And you probably know that, but of course you have to be human too


There are several factors that could be the reason
that you won't find anyone.


You may have been banned. It is relatively easy to cheat or mod stats or items so that you will be banned from online services if you connect to them online.

You still have the password in there. I assume that you play REMASTERED and therefore have the password function. If you have set one, all other callsigns will be hidden.

Bad time. You may be trying to call people at a time when there are few players. Setting the search range to unlimited can help so that you don't only find players from nearby regions.

Simple bosses. It could also be because the bosses are too simple and therefore fewer players need / offer help. (Basically there are generally fewer players than more. The game is just a remaster, so nothing new and already 3 years old)

Too high soul level. You are level 106. According to the following formula this means: user level ± (10 + 10%)

You can summon players between levels 85-127.
You can be called by players between levels 87-129.

Your weapon level is too high. Dark Souls 3 introduced weapon matchmaking in Dark Souls: REMASTERED. This means that for certain unique weapons, such as the Black Knight, weapons with sparkling titanium and also weapon upgrades / infusements, you will steadily accumulate levels without your knowledge. This is to prevent people with Endgame Equip at max. Level from playing with or against players who have just started. If you are good enough you can keep your soul level low and still play through the game. Then you would have much stronger equipment available and still be able to invade or clap bosses in beginner areas. They wanted to prevent that here.

Connection problems & settings. Last but not least. Of course, it can also fail due to an unstable connection or incorrectly configured network settings. But since you said that you activated everything in the latter, I rule that out.


Hopefully I could help you and your online experience
in Dark Souls will be a little more pleasant!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!