Dark souls 2 bad?

- in Xbox

I wanted to buy dark souls for my Xbox 360, so I checked what parts there are.

I then took a closer look at dark souls 2, I didn't notice anything really bad.

so my question is:

where does the hate from dark souls 2 come from?


So I found Dark Souls 2 mega good. But it was sometimes a bit too easy. That's probably because Dark Souls 1 was so awesome. A second part is quickly rated worse. If I had to rate dark souls 1 - 3 now, the second one would also be the worse of the 3.

Personally, I find the 3 part the best. Then the first comes very close and the second part is the worst. But still mega good.

But if I now have to list the criticisms… What is a shame about DarkSouls 2 is that the world is not as winding and connected as in the first part. And it looks very… Colorful. Teleporting is also available, which makes it very easy if you played the first part beforehand. And in the coop everyone gets thrown healing items, which makes it a lot easier. I think I remember that in the coop you could also farm equipment at others. It was too easy. I'm not sure anymore.


I only know 2 and only the beginning, but I just found what I saw just beautiful… First opponents that you can just knock down and then a boss with whom you don't know how to get him down and that already in the 1. 30 min. Then I stopped playing, was too stupid for me.