Nigeria Connection?

- in PlayStation

Wanted to sell my ps4 on eBay classifieds and I trusted this guy and it seemed to me Spanish that I should send my ps4 to England but the number from Nigeria was googled and found that it was a scam and was then pissed off and I insulted him and he threatened me with dead, you think he can find me through my IP address or something or I don't need to worry because lol is safe


No, he can't find out your inaccurate place of residence and best sentence from Farid above xD


You could have just said someone else! Instead of doing one on internet trambo lmao!

If he / she knows how he can get your ip out


You wouldn't have to ask this question if you hadn't had such a verbal freak (also far below the belt line). But no, he won't be able to find you.