Electric shock from multiple socket?

- in PlayStation


Just wanted to pull the plug of my Ps4 from my Merchfachstecker. When I pulled this out I got an electric shock and it pulled up my right arm.

My Merchfachstecker is not broken from the outside or otherwise.

What could be the reason and health consequences?


Since you must have touched something made of metal. Is the multiple socket made of metal?


Most likely you were statically unloaded and when pulling out the plug it came to a charge exchange. That would be an electrical shock that you experience, but only in the range of milliseconds and very, very small current. So harmless.


There's another possibility, e.g. Could you have touched the plug while pulling out the metal pin. The device still has some residual voltage (for example through capacitors in the power supply), maybe you got something from it. But should not be dangerous.


Could be. Everything went so fast that I did not pay attention.


No plastic. Can only imagine that the multiple plug is broken. Will also exchange the days.


It felt like I was touching a fence from a willow that is loaded