Games from 18?

- in PlayStation

Hi, I'm 13 years old and my parents are separated. When I'm with my father, he allows me to play Read Dead Redemption 2 on his PS4 (but he usually sits next to me). My mother, however, would never allow such a thing, and she doesn't know either. In the last few days I had a guilty conscience every now and then where I thought about telling my mother. Because somehow I have the feeling that I betrayed her. What would you do in my situation?


Don't tell Goar because then your mom would drive your dad to the cart.

Be glad that your dad allows you that and is good.


Play a game, shut up at the nuts, all good.

Alternatively: tell mother about it, that could lead to an argument between mother and father, and the topic of gambling is over for you.


So as a 13 year old boy I wouldn't tell. It's actually not that big of a topic, even at your age I was allowed to play everything because my mom also gambled xD.

The stone because you get it rolling is not worth it. A mosquito turns into an elephant very quickly


That was my thought too, but I wanted to know other opinions.


Exactly good tip. Just stop gambling


When I was 13, I still built tree houses, so I never thought about that, even though I already had consoles back then.


Aren't you allowed to play computer games with your mother? (Consoles included) …

If so, I would start there with a game from the age of 16 to show that the (usually) shown violence does not affect you.
I happily recommend Rainbow Six Siege. It may be a shooter, BUT the big point versus. Other shooters are that you don't just run across the battlefield and shoot everything that moves. Rainbow Six Siege is a shooter that is very tactical. You have to win the game with your comrades. Alone you rarely have a chance.
The USK rating was only reduced from 18 to 16 this year, with the reasons given above. No pointless shooting…

There are also studies that show that computer games do not make you aggressive but are often calming, as you can sometimes let out your frustration and you feel better in the end.

But also in general: Why doesn't your mother let you play? What are your arguments?


Thank you very much for your detailed answer!

My mom lets me play computer games, but Red Dead Redemption wouldn't allow me because it's 18 and over. I just wanted to feel guilty because I sometimes play it with my father.


Well. Sure, guilty conscience isn't necessarily cool. On the one hand, you can understand your mother because there's often a reason why games are 18+.

Just ask your dad. Maybe he has some good advice. After all, he has known your mom longer than any of us here.


I will do, thank you very much!