How do you become a good streamer?

- in Twitch

I have a friend. He has been streaming on Twitch for several years. Does nothing else in his life apart from breathing and eating. Wouldn't it be so bad if he finally accepted that he would never play in the league of the big ones with his streams. His audience is not increasing. He is very bitter and eats the frustration within himself. Hates everything and everyone and I have to listen to this all the time, but I don't know how to help him. He doesn't want to work. He's totally focused on pulling this stream thing through to his death and I don't know what to do.
So I ask you: How do you become a good streamer? Please have some pity and help me… Of course I mean him!


Firstly, if he only streams in German, he already has less of a chance.

secondly most streamers, let's player didn't grow up overnight,

there are sometimes a few years behind it.

they also bought more and more, e.g. Better internet and so on.

often there are several people behind the streamers, e.g. One who makes an intro for him etc.

yes that's work too! Nothing comes from nothing, just sit in front of the camera and start streaming


He should be able to entertain people. Play something that entertains and interests people. Marketing yourself somewhere by traveling on other social media platforms and advertising yourself and using hashtags.

At least that's what an acquaintance of mine does and it works.


There will be no general recipe.

Most successful streamers that I watch can play quite well (sometimes absurdly good ^^), entertain very well and have good technology ready.

Add to that what you stream. In games like lol or fortnite it is very difficult to fight your way up because there are 100+ streams, if you are on page 5-10 no one clicks that far anymore. If you play games that are too rare, no one generally watches. You have to find your own gap by now and have a lot of luck.

Maybe you can also do deals with other streamers "if you go off you send your watch to me and vice versa". Of course, the boys don't do that with thousands of spectators. But getting 50 four people more expands the base.

Playing at unusual times can also help… Right now, hardly any streams / no German and people want to watch German streams, you have a better chance

community work is certainly not to be neglected. Note chat etc.

The times are sometimes absurd. Professional streamers probably work far more than 40 hours a week… If you are away a week, you quickly lose your viewers.

All in all, not a nice business. For the most