Why is my microphone not recorded on Streamlabs OBS?

- in Twitch

I recently started using Streamlabs OBS to stream on Twitch or to record gameplays. I started a few test recordings and my microphone is not being recorded (all other sounds work). The strange thing is that the level swings when I speak. However, my voice is not recorded.

Does anyone have a solution for the problem?


In advance: I use OBS Studio and therefore do not know whether the same settings are available for Streamlabs.

It could be due to the audio settings of the source. Under "Advanced audio settings" I can set the monitoring and the channels used. If the level swings, there can actually be few other causes. Possibly. Is a filter still activated, but I think that is unlikely.

Also try to remove the source and set it up again. In the settings you can (I think) also set the recording device for "microphone".