MacBook Air or iMac?

- in Twitch

I would like to start streaming on twitch soon and gamble accordingly. Is the iMac or the MacBook Air better in terms of performance (both 16GB RAM)


Wouldn't recommend either of them, if you want to gamble, then rather on windows. The performance is better there for games


I think an iMac is more suitable for that. In general, computers are more suitable for streaming, I think🤔


For the money you get a high-end PC, although gaming is not really possible with Apple devices.


But not for gambling…


So would a MacBook (Air) be better than an iMac for streaming?


Both not. What if the questioner wants to make a salad. Would a waffle iron be more useful or a toaster?

Find the bug 🙄


MacOS is not suitable for games


What is this nonsense now? It is of course possible to gamble on the Mac, maybe just not as well as on a gaming PC. That was a "rather" question, your comment under my answer is currently quite unnecessary and meaningless.


But that wasn't my question. I would like to Apple and Apple is now better suited for gaming. I have experience with it myself but my old MacBook is too old now and yes. So iMac or MacBook


But. Google times there are many with good experiences and I don't want to play such blatant games either. I also have a lot of them at the switch


Maybe you could play a card game on it, but gambling is something different


If you say Apple is better, I don't want to prevent you from buying it, but your project will most likely not be possible on these devices.


, gamble properly "Ajaaa


Apple is definitely not suitable for gaming, I can tell you that right now. You can almost not play games on it, and the performance is not exactly what a PC can get for a fraction of the money. I love Apple for work, but with the best of will I can't recommend an Apple for gaming and still have a clear conscience.


If you really really really want to gamble on an Apple product, then buy an iMac, the MacBook Air will never be able to deliver the performance…

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