Frame drops in OBS despite good internet and good components?

- in Twitch

As already described I have very extreme frame drops in OBS, which also affects the stream a lot. I have a very good PC with good components, plus a 1000K line from Vodafone wherever over 500 come to my PC (DSL). However, my stream still has frame drops and dropouts. I stream on Twitch and have tried different servers and that sort of thing.


Have you set the settings in OBS correctly?

Are you streaming on the CPU or GPU?


About cpu this is better with me.


What do you have for ne CPU and what settings / resolution / frame rate?


Have the AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor 3.70 GHz

Stream with 4500 bit rate to actually 60 FPS (I've already tried 30) and 1920x1080


What is the setting for profile / CPU load presetting / keyfram interval?

For 1080p 600 bitrate is actually intended, but with a 6Core I would honestly not go over 720p60, then again with 4500 bitrate


Can I possibly contact you at Insta can you better send pictures etc there




I have texted you


Stream with 4500 bit rate to actually 60 FPS (I've already tried 30) and 1920x1080

Much too little. At 1080p @ 60 you would have to set at least 8000 for an optimal result. On Twitch, however, only 6000 works. So it wouldn't be surprising if you have frame drops in the stream (or do you mean in the game?)

It's such a thing with your CPU anyway. 900p or 720p would be an option here.

It would be advisable to upload pictures & make available what you have set and how.

Bit rates that you can use for orientation are as follows:

720p @ 60 = at least 2500
900p @ 60 = at least 4500
1080p @ 60 = at least 8000 - but maximum is 6000, therefore minimum.

You can also stream 900p or 720p with 6000, but at least the above values.
But without exact details of other settings, one can only vaguely say which would be more optimal.

Your CPU is not bad, but worse than a Ryzen 7 or 9 which would be better for gaming & streaming.