Imprint Youtube / Twitch without videos?

- in Twitch

1) At Ytb you have to give an imprint as soon as you publish a video. However, if the videos have all been deleted and you don't upload any more, you only use it to view and subscribe to other channels, do you still need an imprint?

2) On Twitch the same only to watch someone and comment on livestream do you need an imprint?

Do I have to delete my YouTube channel if I don't want to provide an imprint and only want to watch the channels to which I have subscribed? (without an account I can no longer find all subscribed channels)


There's no legal notice required for YouTube and Twitch. Where did you get this false info from?

Don't search when streaming / uploading.


As a small channel, you don't need an imprint.


According to Tele. Law already. Sufficient if it is not used privately in a family way. Anyone can watch the published videos, so it is no longer private and family.


According to Tele. Law already. Sufficient if it is not used privately in a family way. Anyone can watch the published videos, so it is no longer private and family.


When you watch videos you don't watch any. Regardless of how big and small your channel is, if you are more professional you need an imprint.


That means if I delete videos and don't upload any more, I don't need to specify one. Only if I want to keep making content?


No, if you continue to upload some and want to earn one or two thalers in the future, you need an imprint. If you don't want to make any money, but your channel is sometimes quite big, then you need one. The lines are spongy there.


It doesn't matter if you don't make any money with it.


What do you mean by big, currently 282 subscribers.


Well, I'll stick to what my lawyer said. He probably knows better than Nilson. Ic


Ok what do you mean by big? ^^ If I continue to upload some and do not make any assembly, earn any money, I probably still need one, because I could grow up. If I don't upload anything anymore, do I not need one? ^^ There's also a network that you can use to regulate everything, would you also work. E.g.


That would be completely new to me. According to legal experts, this is not necessary. Then 90% of all YouTube channels would have to be warned.


Yes but don't stress yourself. I wouldn't worry about that before 1000. And yes you can use such an e service. There are some of


If you are bigger on youtube, then you don't have to have this broadcasting license contract, like twitch? If I don't assemble anything, I just need to leave an imprint? Experience for the purpose of such a service?


Ka as it is as a streamer but on YouTube you don't need one as a small YouTube.


1) You do not need an imprint to watch videos or to write comments, if it were so YouTube would do something, you also don't need that as a small channel, I've also made YouTube videos and had no imprint, just don't care

2) No, not because you're not a company or something


You can only monetize your channel with 1000 or more subscribers anyway


Only from a certain size otherwise no one cares