PO Box as imprint?

- in Twitch

I have the opportunity to participate in the affiliate program on Twitch. Since you have to store an imprint for this, which is publicly visible, my question is whether you can also use a mailbox.

I looked around and saw that many Twitch streamers have specified a mailbox, but you are actually not allowed to specify a mailbox as an imprint. Hence my question.

I look forward to answers.


A mailbox is not enough. For example, I can use a mailbox Don't file a lawsuit.

https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/...g/__5.html Everything you need to know is in here.


Thanks for the answer.


No, still not, the legal situation has not changed in the last few hours.


All right. Hoped someone would get in touch with a PO box and tell me why they did it that way. Anyway, thanks for the answer.


If a provider is satisfied if you only provide a PO box instead


then it happens that this is initially sufficient for the provider - especially since their software may not even recognize the error.

But as soon as a competitor sends you a warning, or a consumer association, you have to react - and also pay the fees for their lawyers, insofar as this warning is justified.

If at the latest when you are considering whether you can use the frequently requested https://www.ra-plutte.de/strafbewehrte-unterlassungserklaerung/

you should sign in this form
or in another
or not,

you may need a lawyer yourself to limit the damage you have caused.


Thank you very much for the reply.

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