Minecraft no longer accepts Ram?

- in Twitch

I would like to assign more Ram to my Minecraft, so I simply go to the launcher in the settings and change "-Xmx2G -XX:" to "-Xmx6G -XX:", then save this and start the desired version with the mods. However, there's already the problem that it does not even take over the 2 GB but only takes 512 MB and if it is not enough, the error message comes up that I do not have enough memory. This makes it difficult to play mods at all, let alone the normal Minecraft at all lagg free… I have already played a modpack via the Twitch launcher and assigned more ram to the version there, my pc does it weirdly and then has 6GB of memory to load mods easily enough. I have 8 GB Ram, also if I change it completely, so take the settings from the Twitch minecraft launcher namely: "-Xmx6000m -Xms6000m" the game crashes when starting and the error message appears: "Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A Fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit "
It would be really nice if someone could help me there because I'm starting to despair because I can't find any help…


You most likely have the wrong Java version on the PC. You need Java 64-bit to increase the RAM.


Could you tell me how to completely uninstall java? I already downloaded java 64 bit…


Unfortunately, I don't know that from my head. But you will probably find a Java folder with the uninstall file in the Documents folder or in the Program folder.


So I checked it again, I only have the latest Java version with 64 bit, do you have any other ideas as to why?


Did you also specify the path to java64 bit in the launcher or is the 32 bit folder entered there? You usually have to change that


No idea how do I see it or do I state it?


There's an option for this in the settings in the launcher