Everything about taxes, duties, etc

- in Twitch

As I'm slowly expanding my reach on the net, I would like to deal with what would happen to me if I were to make money with social media and my art (DigitalArtist) + also do a 450 euro job.

In order to speed up the whole process of research a little and to address it with more detailed information and advice, I would like to contact you:
Do you have good research pages for such cases? What are the annual limits? Do I have to register anything, if so when? Are there special rules on YouTube, Twitch, Instagram (main social media that I use)? (Here you can interpret all questions that might be of some importance to me)

Any opportunity to read good information would help me! Of course also experiences on your part.


Then take a course at the VHS. Everything is taught there. And there you can also ask questions.


Basically, you have to register a business as soon as you have a profit intention.

And then ALL income is generally taxable for now.

Only when you declare your income can the allowances be used.


Well, some study for a few years…

but for starters here something to read:
