Register a business at 14 and pay taxes (Twitch)?

- in Twitch

I have a couple of questions on the subject:

So, I could soon be making money with Twitch or I could become an affiliate. Actually, I only want the feature because I can get closer to the audience with emotes and such. And I know you earn easily over 0 euro at the beginning😂 I also understand that, since I don't start with money, I don't care either.

However, I would have to register a trade for this. I'm 14 years old. It's not that easy. Unfortunately, I know very little about this, so I would like to know what I have to observe, hand in and sign (or my parents) and how it all works. I'm also not very familiar with taxes, so I would have to pay taxes on donations and from how much?

Ps. Please no answers that it would not pay off if I have a list of all the things I have to do, my parents and I can say that myself.


In Germany, the minimum age for a business registration is 18 years. However, underage young people are allowed to operate a business if they have the appropriate permission from their legal guardians and the Guardianship Court. In Germany, young people are considered minors who have reached the age of 14. De facto, a business registration is therefore possible from the age of 14. In Austria you have to google yourself.


In Germany you need the consent of the family court and your parents.

At 14, it is very difficult for you to get the approval of the family court


First do your school leaving certificate and your apprenticeship. When you are the next Monte my name will be Günther-Jochen