Why is Live Sport running on DAZN but delayed a stream on Twitch in almost real time?

- in Twitch

I often watch DAZN but the delay of over 30 seconds annoys me enormously. I would be very interested in why it is not possible to watch the stream in real time here, but on Twitch / Youtube it is. In the end it's the same, isn't it?


Your conclusion that this delay would not occur on youtube or twitch is incorrect.

IP-based transmissions always have a delay. In the case of sports broadcasts, it is more noticeable - especially if the app in question buffers several seconds before it plays it.


Well, if I comment on a stream, the person reacts within the next 2-3 seconds


There are several reasons for this

In addition, the image signal is not produced but receives it from the local TV station and is only then commented on. Then it goes to the seers
Presumably a buffer is built in so that it is still possible to react to small signal disturbances
Are there possibly stipulations that a signal must be sent with a delay so that the picture can be interrupted in the case of speedsters or the like