Minecraft Twitch Launcher. No respond?

- in Twitch

I've been playing the Minecraft Modpack FTB Revelation on the Twitch launcher for quite some time now. However, he has always been hanging up recently and I do not understand why. He often has the shop he has no feedback and the window of Minecraft is white. Even if I get it started because I'm waiting long enough, I'm not on any server because he always has no feedback so long that the server rausschmeißt me.

I also tried everything possible. Twitch reinstalled, modpack reinstalled, Java updated and reinstalled. Graphics card driver updated. But nothing helps.


Is your MC / computer with a mod perhaps not clear?

I can't really help you because the error explanation is a bit small.

Sometimes MC also strikes with Windows.


Before that it was just now he hangs up all the time and I just do not understand why

I'm gambling on a Legion Y720 laptop from Lenovo and as I said before, it always worked.
I just ne ne mouse connected and the client of MC has changed in Twitch but the driver for the mouse, I then uninstalled again kA where the problem comes from


Thanks for the quick reply btw.

As I said recently, he always hangs up and says that he has no feedback. Here in the laptop is an I5 and ne geforce gtx 1060 in it. As I said until recently, it also worked


Are there any updates from Windows? Already tried to uninstall the modpack and start Minecraft like that?


Components do not say anything. That must be a software problem.


Yes have twitch uninstalled the modpack reinstalled, java reinstalled and normal vanilla mc works but just modded not kA why


Then there's a conflict with the mods, have you already compared the version of the modpack with that of Minecraft?


Windows has just no update ready or my computer shows nothing


Yes, I think so, too


And what about the versions of Mod and Minecraft?

Try another modpack


I have sev technically tried with the same result


Now I've tried a modsammlung I once put together to start and have the same problem. Something seems to bite with java, but what?


Are the mods based on forge?

If so, please try downloading the most stable version for your mods from files.minecraftforge.net


Is not that the one I have? As I said is over twitch launcher and he will not suggest me any unstable version and I've also changed nothing s.der version so the version I have eig work


It seems to jump back to 1000mb ram again and again, but I can't say why that is

as I said, it can either be related to the new launcher or the mouse I recently connected

However, I've tried in between with another mouse synapse synapse with the same synonymous, I had uninstalled and still no change


I just will not get rid of the feeling that it somehow lies at the mouse