Twitch livestream out of sync with chat? - 1

- in Twitch

Have seen the question on good questions but since I have a good internet connection and my CPU is also good I wonder why the live stream is never synchronized with the chat.

Currently use the Opera Gx browser because Chrome was even worse.

Maybe my CPU or something is limited if it doesn't have to run at high performance?

Maybe someone can help me there.


The livestream is never synchronized with the chat. The stream goes to the server and from there to the user. There's a rather high latency, which Twitch also intends to do.


I understand what you mean, but you don't understand what I mean.

the chat is already responding to the streamer while i hang back for 10 seconds.

that's not what twitch wanted.


Oh, around. I thought you were the streamer!

Even with good internet, latency is not zero. You should check. If necessary, also via a tracert.


Okay of course you can understand that too


This has less to do with the CPU. If both the video on Twitch and the chat have a delay, it will likely be because you set a delay. However, if the chat is asynchronous to the video on Twitch, this is mostly due to your internet connection. The video then has problems loading correctly and up to date, which is why it loads a bit longer and instead rewinds to preload the rest of the livestream, so to speak.

If you are unsure whether this is only the case for you, you can ask the chat or a friend whether it is asynchronous for them.


Well, I can already see that in the stream if the chat is 10 seconds before I have seen the scene in the stream.

Everything works fine on my smartphone even though I have connected to the Pc Lan cable with 200 Mbit / s, so I would be surprised if it is connected to the Internet.


Wow, do you live in south korea or do you really believe in 200 Mbit lines in Germany?


South Korea would be nice. The 200 Mbit / s also come to me so I see no problem there.


How much do you pay for the line?


Have a contract where a lot is paid together, how much we pay for the line itself I have no idea.

But since the offer comes from Vodafone, you can imagine that you won't always get your money's worth.