My name is Tristan and I'm Twitch streamer!
At the moment it's going very well with the streaming and I could become Twitch Affiliate and soon Twitch Partner.
But now I have a very complicated question…
, Can I become a Twitch Affiliate under 18? What do my parents have to do and what do they have to have? Is it even going to make me a twitch affiliate under 18?
It seems to me very complicated because the filling in form is very funny. I understand that everything is not quite so yet and need some help how exactly I can do that.
That's in the algs of Twitsch.
Did you read through everything?
If you do not quite understand it all… If you do not do it. I think now.
Since you would then have to set up a small business tax deduct or indicate revenue you can do that only if your parents agree to do that you need either a bank account or a Paypal account for the Paypal account you have to be 18 but if you get out there You may do it theoretically but consider that it is more work than it probably is worth it you need a small business must fill everything need an imprint and still a lot more and since one took so much egg only until you have reached $ 100 I would you in general advise against becoming an affiliate