Twitch Affiliate Taxes?

- in Twitch

Was invited to the Twitch Affiliate Program, but I don't know if I should join, because from this point on you can earn money through subs and every time you earn money you have to pay taxes, unless you are below the tax exemption?! The question is, you have to provide a tax ID and then Twitch takes care of the tax or the affiliate has to take care of it himself… So clearly register a trade and an affiliate has to do that, but Twitch keeps the tax costs and sends it the direct to the tax office?


No, you have to take care of that

and the tax office wants to see statements, even if you stay below the tax allowance

because they want to decide, not you

if you have other income, you also have no tax credit on income from the twitch stuff

then the 1st cent is already taxable


Then I prefer not to do that for the time being, because taking care of taxes only creates unnecessary stress with such small sums.


As soon as you intend to make a profit, a "Donation" button is sufficient, which is the case with Affiliate either way, you have to register a trade, which you have already said. However, you have to take care of the tax office yourself.

For this, it is sufficient to create an EÜR (income-surplus invoice) once a year and then send it to the tax office. E.g. About ELSTER. Actually not that complicated. Since you are probably not making a turnover of 22,500 euro a year anyway, everything runs under the so-called "small business regulation" according to § 19 UStG.


If I want to register a business I can just give them a call and they'll help me, right?


Calling and informing yes, but you still have to go there personally