VIP in twitch / no banner yet?

- in Twitch

I became a VIP on a somewhat famous streamer. I was also very happy, but I still haven't received a VIP banner. He made me VIP on the stream, so I'm assuming he did that.

I don't always want to ask in the chat. I feel very annoying. I was also told by the other Vips to wait. But he made me vip on Monday and today is already Friday. If it is relevant: He has streamed 2-3 times in the meantime.

Is that normal? I would love to be a VIP.


If he should have made you VIP, then your badge should actually be right there.


Once someone had subscribed and the badge wasn't there either. Well, I guess it will take a while. But almost a week?


No, it takes a maximum of 1 minute.