Is that social isolation?

- in Twitch

So my life as it has been for almost a year:

I don't have a fixed sleep rhythm but rather go to bed when I'm tired. Sometimes it happens that I forget what time of day it is because all the windows in my apartment are covered. I don't go to work (incapacity for work due to depression) which is why I live on Hartz iv, the only other source of income I still have is Youtube / Twitch but that's not that much (100 euro-150 euro per month). I only go out twice a week and mostly at night or when there are few people around.

I now really see my apartment as a kind of sanctuary, which is why there have only been 2 people in it since I moved in (2 years ago).

I also no longer have parcels delivered to my home, only to packing stations. I still have food delivered to me, but usually take it in the house.

It's not like I don't do anything, my best friend and I do something outside but only at night or under the influence of alcohol.

I'm supposed to go to the psychiatrist every week to work on my problems, but I don't dare to go out or miss the appointments.

That is partly because I suffer from depression, social phobia, mild schizophrenia, an aggression disorder and fear of contact.

Does that count as social isolation for you or is it still "possible"?


What would be the increase of it. Do you still ventilate your apartment? I have no idea I think that's questionable…


Counts for me as "Lives but has forgotten what life means"

We all have social isolation at times. Most people find it unbearable too.


Well, in my apartment it smells mainly of deodorant and shisha.


Then everything is butter


Bloody hell. Seek help

I think everything you say here is very bad. You don't have a real social life, which really makes me think. That forms a bubble around you.

Try to get out of there. Seek help in some form.

I hope you get out of there bro😁

(if you are a guy)


This is not a life.


And please, please don't take any of those "how can you live you failure" comments

If you already have the ability to read, please make use of it.


Hmm so for me the question is, are you okay with it or not

I also felt strongly about D.C. Because of Corona. Pulled back the circle of friends and thought it was great at first. (more time for me)

But now I feel lonely and it annoys me that I do so little. So listen inside, honestly, how are you?


Well, I've been in treatment for 5 years and was in the closed about 4 times and tried 7 different drugs. Nothing has changed. I've given up believing in healing.