Education then and now?

- in PlayStation

I'm giving a presentation in the field of social science. It's about education back then. Today. Basically how time has changed. Now my question is: what exactly should I go into? I only have 5 minutes, then there will be 10 minutes of discussion. I want to convince my teacher and the expert with my short presentation. I'm not allowed to use technical means only to create posters. It should also be creative. I thought iwie show the difference how I was raised (born in 1998) and my sister (born in 2006) was educated. I did not quite know the technique but my sister grew up with Playstation, TV etc…

How do you like this idea? Or do you have vlt ideas as I can inform him about it better?

These are my topics regarding education:

Psychic powers
(Features of the term "emotion"), (Basic emotions) Fundamentals of developmental psychology
(Disturbances in development), (environmental influences), (processes of development), (characteristics of development) Social action
(The interaction of people)
(The value-based social action)
(The regulation of living together)


So I guess that "then" and "today" does not mean the eight years difference between you and your sister. Rather like your parents and you were educated. Or even your grandparents (during or after the war…)


Keyword for example… Corporal punishment


That was u.a. Also my thought. And not "My sister had a PS4 and I only ne PS2"… Exaggerated said.


Then and now. I guess with you and your sister as an example that will not do much. That's only 8 years.

I would take the time of your parents and yours. There you will discover most of the differences.

That's what I meant.

Beautiful evening


Role of the mother / woman

Education of children

Obedience / helicopter parents