Buy Apex Legends Twitch Prime on Ebay?

- in Twitch

Have found an offer on ebay by offering a Legendary Skin and Loot Package. (See photo)

Buy Apex Legends Twitch Prime on Ebay

So I wanted to ask if it is serious if someone has already had experience. If you buy it then you get it from the seller. So account data from Twitch (new account, none from other users) and a link where you can log in with it. If you have done this you will be forwarded to EA where you have to register. And I'm not so sure about that.


Do not do it via the link but regularly via the Google browser to be on the safe side. The official site to link the account is called


There's no other way.

I got the skin back then but you don't get any code but have to activate it directly.


No, just not that he later has my EA account or something.


But do you get exactly this package? Or just the latest?


When Twitch Prime items are no longer available, they are no longer available. If he says so, he is lying 100%. I have been a Twitch Prime user myself for several months so I can speak from experience.