On what legal basis can the state media authority prohibit a person from streaming online?

- in Twitch

A German twitch user was deprived of the broadcast license a few days ago and they are forbidden to continue streaming. It's not about this user but generally about the thing how to ban someone from talking.

On which legal basis does one want to forbid a person to use a website at home and to film himself there with the camera? Of course, all this has "no meaning" what is said in such videos but there would have to show any hinz and Kunz if the one makes a short online video.

Could not you even go so far as to call that an "interference with freedom of expression"? I think there leans the state quite far out of the window when he gives citizens in such conditions. Since you can immediately introduce an Internet driving license compulsorily if the state because everyone wants to look on the fingers!


Mainly if they use external content or even reproduce it incorrectly without seeking the right of the person who created the content.

Also, it may be that someone verbally accused a product / company of doing something that did not happen. Then it is threatened with an injunction.

However, the company / company is usually right, because many "farmers" without brains and brains simply think that their views with false evidence customer to do.


Since you do not write anything specific about the case, it could be this:


All that there's to say is in this article - and also that the Broadcasting Treaty is totally obsolete.

I suspect that something will change…


I doubt that anyone is banned from doing so in Germany, but if someone has only one central topic and can't take this up, he says nothing…


Those who apply for a broadcasting license have the misfortune that if they reject it, they will not be allowed to stream anymore. So also in the case of the Dragon Lord. Nothing helps then… He still has a YouTube channel.


Can be so but I can't imagine that something in court.


The media organizations have enormous power and always find something. And he does not have a real lawyer: 0% chances


See that more general, but it can't imagine that anyway. They do not shut the door for him.

Let's just keep an eye on what's going on in the future.


That definitely. Even if I'm not a fan of his. XD


Have never seen his stuff:-)


Same. I have not regretted so far. Habs at Newsi noticed. XD