Can you share different PS4 games with several people?

- in PlayStation

I'm currently sharing my account with a buddy so that we can play certain games such as. Fifa 21 bought together. Is it possible for a third person to log in with my account and download a game that only I currently have? To illustrate this, an example:

Person A + Person B share Fifa 21.

Person A + Person C share Call of Duty.

Person B + Person C do not plan to load the same games.

Or is it only possible for one person to use my games? You have to set the account to primary for the download, but then another buddy could also set the account to primary for a download. Does it work?


No, this is only possible with max. Another. This must set the account to primary.


That means my account has to be permanently on primary on his PS4 so he can play the games that he bought together, right?


Yes. So if he uses his own account. If only your account is used, this does not have to be the case, but then there could be problems with the licenses in the case of multiple installations.


Super thank you!