When does Playstation ban?

- in PlayStation

How many times can you be banned from ONE chat history?

Example: Person 1 and Person 2 insult each other in the chat. Person 1 reports person 2 and person 2 is then warned.

How about if Person 1 reports several messages?

Would person 2 then get a warning for EVERY message? Or for the entire chat, which would make more sense in itself?

And how is that when you've been banned for 3 days?

So, 1-2 years ago.

Will this be reset or will the penalty be adjusted accordingly?


What's the point of the question: Read the rules of conduct through. Can also be completely excluded if you are not under control then leave it with the games. The decision at Sony xbox or any computer if it is too much.


Every message is treated differently

person 1 offended in separate messages

person 2 reports both

sony looks at it

for the 1st message there's no warning

a ban for the 2.

sony does not tolerate any objection.


When a message is reported, the whole chat is examined and both can be banned, I've had several times


If you have nothing better to do then don't even comment.


But why?

I mean, the whole chat should actually be rated, and not individual messages.

A warning makes sense.

Then everyone could theoretically report every message and every time you are warned until the ban, that's kind of disgusting.


Devlet you the sony chat reads the whole chat? For every message sent you will be held accountable - it doesn't mean you can insult how often you want to fear you only have one consequence. How about not offending?


You are welcome


Sorry but I think there's nothing wrong with raging. Doesn't happen every day, at least in my case.

And yes, that would make a lot more sense if the chat history is not long anyway. Because a warning is of no use if he then reports every message. What if he also insulted? In theory, I couldn't report him afterwards because as far as I know, the chat disappears for me as a reported player.


Okay, but what if the chat has already been investigated, I also insulted in the case but it only says that measures will be taken against the corresponding player? So against the other? Do you still need something to fear or can the other still contact me or is the chat gone for him?


What you consider sensible is unfortunately not of interest - sony is a billion-dollar company. Who does not dance according to their rules, flies Guess why you can't appeal even if it's a misplacement. You even have a friend who has locked an entire PS4. He couldn't use you anymore because the console ID was completely blocked. If you are angry and insulting, you should seek out a therapist.


To be honest, you just have no life and you can see that clearly. I don't need to know you well either. Your views in this case are of no interest here either, since it passes on misinformation anyway. An account ban and a console ban are two different things. He gets the console ban for sure not only because of offending lol that includes more like hacking or jailbreaking. But since you're talking about things that aren't right here, I don't expect more from you lol


Ne that means the other one was probably banned for a week or a month


The questioner doesn't understand that. This is such a typical Internet gangster, at PSN a big mouthful when the ban threatens to cry around here at Girlfriend. Those are my favorites.


Ah okay. So he can no longer report me or how or see the chat or write me


But he could still report you


Hmm, weird. So as far as I remember correctly you can no longer write to someone who reported you but thank you kp trz

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