Is it normal that you hear a slight rattle on the Xbox Series X fans when they are running under full load and you hold your ear to the grilles?

- in Xbox

As soon as the ear is no longer very close to the Xbox you can no longer hear it and if you walk away the Xbox is silent but is the rattling normal? (If I hold a cellphone microphone directly to the Xbox I hear the rattling better)


That is normal. I've now recorded it myself with a Canon microphone, it sounds a lot like a rotating fan, so everything is normal.

I would not send the console back, because as long as it is not extremely loud, while you are 1-2 meters away from it, I would not see it as a problem. All of this is grumbling at the highest level, a little clacking is nothing compared to flushing, for example from Playstation 5 consoles


If this is the nonexistent sound from your previous question then I don't think you need to worry.

In the second video, for example, I don't hear anything. So yes and indeed wind which is logical.


I thank you very much. I would have been very reluctant to send it back anyway because it would only have been additional work for me and the employees of Dhl / Saturn / Microsoft. I'm reassured now


At first I couldn't hear anything either, but you have to increase the volume of the video, then you can hear this slight rattle. But in my opinion that is not bad. It would be bad if the Xbox Series X sounded like an airplane or something like that


Or like a Playstation pro. πŸ˜‰


πŸ˜‰ or so haha