Minecraft crashes (Playstation 4)?

- in Xbox

I got Minecraft yesterday and when I then connected my Microsoft account and connected my Playstation 4 Minecraft account, my Minecraft crashed (error code: CE-34878-0). When I uninstalled and installed Minecraft, my Microsoft account was down automatically connected 3 seconds after it connected it crashed again and then I tried it another 10 times and kept crashing I tried to connect another Microsoft account only then is there the Microsoft account already with one playstation account connected which can't be because I created a brand new Microsoft account. I looked for the error code on the playstation support page and also found something. I did all the steps in the instructions to fix the error code except the initialization of the Playstation because I don't want to lose my data and I have to download all my games again Then I managed to quickly log out of my Microsoft account via the minecraft settings menu before it crashed again. As soon as my Microsoft account was logged out I was able to play normally. The problem now is that I want to play with a friend on Xbox and around To be able to do that, I have to connect a Microsoft account, but as I said, this is not possible. My question would now be whether anyone knows how to solve this problem without having to write to support now and having to wait 10 years again for an answer best would be tips where I do not have to reset the ps4, thanks in advance!




As already mentioned in the question I did this before but it didn't change anything


Then I don't know why. How it works for many here net.

And then should the PS be good? I don't know


It can't be because of the ps because if I have not connected my Microsoft account all cover works freely