Can you connect the Oculus Quest Controller to the PC?

- in Xbox

The question is, is it possible? And can you then also connect the controllers to Steam VR? I managed to set up my mobile phone as VR glasses with the help of the Iriuin VR app, it's super easy, I can of course also use my Xbox controller, but for games with motion control I would like to use the controller of my Oculus Quest 1 if that is possible. Yes, you can also connect your Quest to the PC, but you need a special cable for that and I wanted to try that out soon.


No, you can't because you can't track the controllers.

Instead of the Link Cable, you can also use Air-Link or Virtual Desktop to connect your Quest to your PC via Wi-Fi.


I already guessed. But I heard that this should work with Wii controllers. 🤔 Found a video about it. But I can't imagine that this can be a good experience. All right, then I'll get such a cable.


As I said, you can also use Wi-Fi.

The Wii controllers are believed to be tracked via infrared. I'm not aware that there's software that makes the PC believe a webcam is a camera from the HMD.
However, it would be very unlikely to have to google.
You're more likely to buy a hydra.