Is there a way to subscribe to ps Plus for 1 month without providing my account details?

- in Xbox

Hey is nh question to Playstation players and I bought a 10 euro playstation credit card at the petrol station yesterday and then wanted to buy 1 month ps plus for 8.99 euro in the PS store. I will be shown that with this option, although I'm sufficient I have to make a payment method (PayPal) or direct debit I thought that Hillt only checked special promotions or free trial versions with the 3-month subscription as it looks there and I don't have to do something like that I'm really disappointed because I have otherwise spent 10 euro and I do not want to get another 20 euro card now so I can buy 3 months. I only wanted to test for 1 month someone knows if there's a possibility like I could still get 1 Momat without adding a payment method? With Xbox gamepass it was like that there were the Ultimate for 1 momat for 1 euro and since I have it I don't know how it was still possible to pay my Xbox credit somehow over the internet or so just had to give my phone number somewhere I don't know exactly how it worked anyway and I would like to know if Ps plus would still work somehow maybe for the 14 day trial version that I still get it? As I said no account or so I want to specify hope you know what I mean and I hope for help LG.


That's a lot of text

They leave you with a playstation against security of identity and creditworthiness.

I honestly don't know what the problem is, you're ready to pay. You can imagine that this does not work according to your rules. What exactly do you want to achieve in a nutshell?


I'm 16 and do not have an account


Oh, and your ma doesn't want it, or how?


Something like that is dangerous afterwards you get ripped off or something


Yes, but not from SONY. This can happen on ebay.


But who knows, as I said, have no paypal


You send your Ma an email address, take her bank card and enter it into paypal. Go quick. Then you can go shopping over all wopaypal and it will be booked from the account. As a customer, you can borrow it from them, which costs nothing extra.


What is a ma


Your mother my wed my ma my mother:-)


My mother is dead