When will Oculus fullbody tracking straps sell?

- in Xbox

I can't see this Xbox Kinect scrap anymore and I do not want to have anything to do with this elaborate and unsatisfactory scrap lately!

When do you think Oculus will sell their one fullbody tracking straps?

Because the HTC Vive has a nasty resolution compared to the Oculus and the new Valve Index blows up my wallet!

Question 1: When do you guys think there are the first Ouclus fullbody tracker straps to buy in the market?

Question 2: I heard that it is rumored to be possible to use the Vive Tracker with an Oculus glasses if you also buy the Vive sensors in addition… I also heard that allegedly eats a lot of power. Do you think that creates an Asus GTX1080Ti?


Probably never. Occulus seems to focus on the glasses and controllers.

But Oculus is now compatible with some systems. I'm sure that even more compatible systems will come out.


Until now, it never looks like. Because with inside out tracking and without infrared grids, no way to track the body of some mas.
Yes it's possible. No, hardly any resources (shorter than the rift). Is the vive not much worse than the rift cv1 that is the fov indebted as in the rift hiss 90 and 100 is (adjustable) and at vive hiss 90 and 110 (adjustable). If you reduce the fov in the vive it is just as sharp as the rift cv1.
If you're on the vive tracker, you can only lasso 450 euro for a tracker (with the cost of the lhts). With fullbody it would be 1050- 1350 euro


They would have to be stupid if they miss out on this as a company or? They would lose a lot of customers to the Congregation. Even I'm thinking about saving on the Valve Index even if it eats a real hole in my wallet!


The trackers themselves are already together for 60 euro?


But what do the sensors cost and how many do I need from them?


XD XD XD have to read!

These are just the mounts. A tracker costs 150 euro
The costs are also 150 euro. Two you need minimum. In the 2.0v can belief to 38 go (the softare leaves only 4 but without tricks).


And this? Although only 2 but still significantly cheaper than your price estimate…

When will Oculus fullbody tracking straps sell


And by the way?

Do the body trackers need no power? Or where do the batteries come in and if so what for which?


You have to read! "for tracker" is there and not "vive tracker" these are just the bracelets. There are not trackers individually under 130 euro (estimated)

2 seconds google. https://www.idealo.de/...r-htc.html


Do you know if the Valve Index for 1080 euro is the complete equipment where is everything for Full Body Tracking?

Because I do not know what you need for stuff…



It's just the controller that hmd and lht there. See you too


Why would they be stupid? BMW also does not build smartphones.

Sure, having more customers, but building smartphones is not easy.

Valve index is just compatible with Vive's tracking system, they have not developed their own.


Is the Oculus also compatible with the HTC trackers, and if so, how do you set it up and how many vive sensors do you need to try out the two feet + hips?


HMD and IHR do not tell me anything


Since it says yes you need 3-Oculus sensors. But what about the Oculus Rift S? Does that need any Oculus sensors or would they be dropped because the Rift S 5 cameras were installed in the headset?


Head motion display = vr glasses (would you really have to know if you have a hmd since release, as you describe it)

light house tracker = sensors of the vive (are not sensors but transmitters)


Cameras on headset can't easily replace tracking, I think.


These are not synonymous normal cameras but a kind Kamea / sensor, also has the headset of it 5 pieces at different places and how the whole works in practice, this following Youtuber has already tried with a subsequent test in Beatsaber to: https://www.youtube.com/...JJRnWAZSE0


I know that.

In beatsaber you do not move much.

I had to see. But do not think that the cameras can effectively full body tracking.


I have never said that the Oculus sensors should track the Vive trackers which BTW should not technically because Vive uses a completely different tracking technique. I want to get for full body tracking with 2 Vive base stations like on the link at reddit, also stated in the "Requirements" list. But my question was: If I can now completely save the 3 Oculus sensors, because with my old I use eg. Only 2 Oculus table sensors…


Your oculus cameras still need to track your hmd's and the controller.

the rift s is worse than the rift cv1 tracking, a 360 degree tracking is not possible and even at 180 degrees it sometimes comes to schwiriegkeiten sometimes. What does not work is z.b. Turn the head left and raise the right hand to the side. Or behind the back stracken (when shooting, hitting and co)


Is this speculation or practice experience?


Practical experience. And simple understanding of technology.