Xbox 360 with vacuum cleaner?

- in Xbox

I bought a used Xbox 360. It works too and everything is fine in and of itself, but there's a fan upstairs and there's a lot of dust in there. I would like to clean that up. But I don't necessarily want to unscrew it or something like that, so I thought about whether this dust could just be sucked out with a vacuum cleaner. Can something break or can I just do it.


In the worst case, sparks fly and a fire may or may not occur. The dust is statically charged. Physics


But if I disconnect the xbox from the socket?


The dust holds its charge for days, sometimes weeks. Spark inductor from physics class. If you come too close to the large ball with mass (negative charge), a spark will fly. Dust is positively charged and easily combustible. 🐰😈😎😊👀😷🌵