PS4 very hot and also loud what to do?

- in PlayStation

I have a problem with my PS4 Slim. The device is now almost two years old, I haven't switched the console on for almost 4 months, except for one time. When I switched it on earlier this week, I left it switched on (no sleep mode) for a full 3 days. She then did downloads and updates for three days in a row. After that, I noticed that the console in the lower right corner was getting extremely hot (if I held my hand on it for a few seconds, I almost burned myself). At first I didn't think anything about it, finally she was on for three days at a time. So I turned them off for about 2 hours. After that, I gambled back to normal and I noticed that it got as hot after 5-10 minutes as it did after the 3 days. My PS4 has been in the same place for almost 2 years and I've never had the problem of my console getting too hot or loud. Of course, I also did some other research on the subject and many had the solution to vacuum the cooler of the PS4 from the outside with a vacuum cleaner (vacuum cleaner on medium level), which is exactly what I did and now my PS4 is not only very hot but is also clear louder than before. Meanwhile I don't know what to do anymore, I have put the console out of the TV platform while using it and even set it up vertically. In the end, none of the things worked. I don't know what else to do now, I hope that someone can help me here.
I also attach pictures to the question so that it becomes clearer how the console is positioned. Thanks to everyone who has read through everything and who can hopefully help me!

PS4 very hot and also loud what to do PS4 very hot and also loud what to do - 1

Open up, clean up properly. Maybe install a new fan.


Think is normal at ps4


Get Xbox😸


Yes, my PS4 Pro was like a jet jet from the moment it was bought.
Depending on the game, it really took off!


Isso my ps4 can be heard through all the walls


Right so xD




You have to unscrew it and clean the fan with compressed air or really carefully tweezers. That's because it is dusty. This means that it cools less and is louder.


The fan is a problem with the PS4, it collects dust quickly and is therefore even louder than it already is.

When we play a game that needs a lot of power, we think that it will take off soon!


I have Haha too

Ps4 gets hot quickly? Ya Yadieltsunami