I downloaded myself on my Xbox one Fortnite and that I can play it, I have to buy Xbox Gold, which I don't want because you have to pay it monthly. I thought the Battle Royal was free to play, only the single game mode is not.
Is actually free, maybe you mean the mode Save the world because it is chargeable.
The game is free and has no single player mode. You can play the game on Ps4 without Ps4+.
Thank you, I'll look at you. When I open Fortnite it says directly that I have to buy gold I will look at it again 0
Yes you unfortunately need Xbox live you can't do anything.
My cousin has the same problem, sometimes I'm really sorry for your Xbox player
The game is available for free download on the Xbox, but you need Xbox Live to play Fortnite.
Wow that's really handicapped
I also don't know what Microsoft is doing
Wow what did Xbox think? 🙄Thanks for your help
The Battle Royale is free. But you need xbox live to use online services. This is also the case with Ps4 and Nintendo Switch.
Not true have both consoles and no ps plus