Is the fight against eBay scalpers justified?

- in Xbox

Especially at the moment there are a lot of offers from scalpers on e.g. Find eBay. Because of the poor availability of Playstation 5, Xbox Series S / X, but also of the new Nvidia and AMD graphics cards, there are unfortunately some people (so-called scalpers) who buy up the entire inventory and then overpriced the products on eBay, etc. Resell.

To make it more difficult for the scalpers to do their thing, you keep hearing from people who program bots, who then bid on the overpriced eBay offers, but then of course don't pay. This costs the scalper a lot of time and trouble. That this also violates the eBay terms and conditions should be clear.

What do you think of scalpers and the people who program bots against these scalpers?


What do you think of scalpers and the people who program bots against these scalpers?

Such people should be paid for their work because they save customers a lot of frustration and money.


It is extremely annoying that dozens of offers of things that you are looking for can't be displayed. Feels like every third search result in Ebay and the like appears in the search function but can't be displayed when clicked.

The whole "pictures of graphics cards" that are set at the price of a graphics card are also annoying. Some of the offers are made so convincing that you have to look several times to see that this is a stupid fake. And then such people wonder if this results in purchases that are not paid for?

It should be clear that such sales of pictures and boxes etc. Are not only nerdy but even illegal because they could be seen as fraud or usury and non-bots can fall for it.

The whole situation would be much more pleasant without all the self-proclaimed crusaders who have declared war on the scalpers.

Make it very easy just don't buy the Grakas at inflated prices and then sooner or later people have to go down from the price or lose XX thousands and the subject is over.


Supply and demand, that's how our economy works, and that's how it works for everything you buy. As long as there are enough people who pay the price, it will be offered and sold for this price, which is completely legitimate. It is less the fault of the people who offer it, but rather of those who are willing to pay this price just because they can't wait a few days, because these offers are only available because of these.

I find the second much worse. This is about a criminal offense and one can't approve of that.