Finished gaming PC (no more than 2000 euro)?

- in Xbox

I don't feel like putting together a PC myself. I just don't know my way around well enough and it's so time consuming. So many different parts to choose from. That's just too much for me. So much effort.
I want to "buy" and that's it.

And I don't know anyone who could put one together for me. I don't have any acquaintances who are familiar with that.

And if I hire a stranger to do it, he might pull me away. And I wouldn't notice because I don't know my way around. And I do not want that.

Should I just buy a ready-made gaming PC from Media Markt? Or from Amazon? (There are relatively cheap ones).

Have you had good experiences anywhere?

I would even prefer less than 1000 euro. So, 2000 euro is the absolute upper limit.

(Sometimes I wonder if I shouldn't get a Playstation or an Xbox. But I've always gambled on the PC. Somehow I don't want to stop.)

If it helps and since it is important for the system requirements: I like to play: GTA5; The Elder Scrolls Online; Assassins' Creed old and new parts (looking forward to Assassin's Creed Valhalla coming soon); Immortals Fenyx Rising (coming out soon); Black Desert; Guild Wars 2; Destiny 2; Red Dead Redemption 2; general (MMO) RPGs; Beyond Two Souls; Heavy rain; Detroit Become Human; The Witcher 3.

And it would be great if these games (and many more.) Run smoothly with nice graphics.

I really hope you can help me.


That's why I bought a console. You then have the guarantee in the future that all games will run without having to upgrade. In terms of price, you can also get away much cheaper than with a gaming PC.

If you don't care about the compromises in graphics, then console is the better choice for me. For me, good gameplay is more important than the graphics.


Look here, there are only gaming PCs staggered according to quality and performance. is by far the most recommended at girlfriend.


The one here is probably worth the most for you:

Has more than enough graphics performance for the next 8 years. A processor that is good enough. And is cheap, uncomplicated and quiet. (So the opposite of my Ollen-nee was just kidding) And worth the money in any case. If you build it yourself, you would rather pay more for the PC. Without a joke, you won't find anything cheaper on the internet anywhere


I buy a car for 2,000 euro.

800 euro is very good.

16 GB Ram, 1GB SSD. SSD not HD.

You will be happy with that.

You also need a 24 inch monitor.

Have fun.


Go to the configurator. Then you get the assembled PC

There I put together PCs for programmers around 1500,

But you can also do gaming there.


Thank you.


Yes, those are my thoughts too…

But I've been playing on the PC for years. Somehow I don't want to give that up.

But I can't afford a gaming PC and console.

However, the games for the console are really expensive.


The console is quite cheap for that. For the 500-1500 euro saved you can buy a lot of games.

Was also a PC gamer most of the time, but at some point I switched to console because I was too stupid to constantly upgrade.

Most games work just as well on consoles as they do on PC. Most games today are also primarily developed for consoles. Assassin's Creed, for example, was a console game first, which you can also see on the UI.