Is it still worth buying the Xbox one S for 190 euro?
It depends on how much you want to invest and which games you want to play. I think it's too old and you won't be able to play new games on it anymore
No, absolutely not anymore. The Xbox One (S) is actually a failed console. Would save on the upcoming Xbox Series X.
It depends on what you want to play at the end of the year the new Xbox and probably also the Ps5 will come
you have to go wrong if it's still worth it
Why that?
I think it is a very good price for around 100 euro on the used market.
But I don't recommend them again
Well all games that will be released in the coming year are already running on it. So your statement is just nonsense. How it looks beyond that is not known.
Can you explain that in more detail? In fact, I would be excited to see that it failed.
There's not much to explain. Seen objectively, MS put the One in the sand. Marketing and communication in particular were disastrous in 2013. You should actually know if you are familiar with the subject.
I still don't understand what your statement should say against One?
Microsoft's sales figures in comparison to the competition are of no interest to anyone who practices hobby gaming. I now cheekily say that every One owner and yes there are many, despite your perception is satisfied with his console.
I'm one of the first Xbox gamers and One X owner. Oh, by the way, I also have a PS4.
What you mean is a fan's love. But has nothing to do with the hard numbers of units sold and expectations. Because this is exactly where the Xbox failed. And if the upcoming Xbox is put in the sand again and even worse, MS will be away from the console market.
Well, I notice with reasonable arguments that speak against a One, I do not need to count here. And again what do the numbers have to do with the purchase of a One?
What you do is a box hate's hate?
As I said, millions of Xbox players are happy and it doesn't matter whether you see it differently as an opponent of the box.
I would not call myself a fan because I have both systems. The Pro for the Exclusives and the One X for everything else, because I like the technically best option. So I would call myself a gamer. Something you don't understand with your rigid anti-posture.
No, the numbers prove it. MS carelessly put the good positioning with the 360 in the sand with the One. Sony clearly dominates this generation of consoles. That has nothing to do with hate, but these are facts my good. You seem to be the person here who can't handle it.
Say somehow you don't seem to be able to read properly. Or do not understand the content and meaning of my comments. The following are good questions to answer. Let's see if you can do it now.
The numbers, reckless, dominated, facts? Who wants to know and for what is this important?
Nobody doubted that the console was far below expectations compared to its predecessor or the competition.
So you can simply save yourself this position. I have already written this twice.
Because that's not the point here. The question was, what speaks against buying a One?
Is there something coming or not?
I said that with the Series X coming soon, I wouldn't invest in the old One anymore. Since the console has hardly any relevance.
My god you don't understand it or. Interesting what kind of work you invest only to present the One as a stillbirth.
A console without relevance? How do you fix that? I've been playing console for 30 years. And think of Segas Saturn, Dreamcast or the PS Vita. In return, the One and the PS4 are not only supported by Microsoft, but also by all major manufacturers. It has fewer exclusives and less sales. You explain the second for the third time.
I think 44 million can't be wrong.
With which all your arguments, actually it is only one, still does not reveal any reasonable reason which speaks against the purchase.
Okay good if you know better.
The new consoles will not be released until the end of this year. Thus, all games released up to that point are designed for the current generation of consoles. Fact!
In addition, it is to be expected that the old ones will continue to be supported even after the new consoles have appeared. How long no one knows. However, on the part of Microsoft, it is even a requirement for the developers that their games should run on both systems.
Nobody knows how long and whether this will remain until the release.
Yes, that's why I say yes, you know your way around better.