Contacting psychologists (contact form), what information?


I have a list of psychologists whom I would like to contact for a psychotherapeutic consultation. Few of them can be contacted through a contact form on the website or by email. You can find one or the other question on the WWW about first contact by phone, but I haven't found anything to contact me in writing. Calling takes a lot of effort, but that's where the conversation arises, and what the person at the other end needs for information somehow then automatically.

But what about the contact form? If you write a whole text, why why why why, just that you need an appointment, or even roughly what it is about? You don't have a diagnosis at this stage, and it's difficult to stamp yourself, e.g. "Depression". So what information do you need in such a contact form?

I would intuitively write a short text with a salutation and co. Compose with the information:


• Name (if not already given in the contact form)

• Age

• Appointment request

• Roughly described the problem (e.g. Depressive episode, "insert type of fear" fears, anxiety and panic attacks)

• Mention flexibility in terms of time and that you can also keep an appointment spontaneously


I know that some can't understand this worry and thought, but this step just costs so much strength and effort, in all directions, and I hope someone can be concerned about me and others who googling this question in the future and come across this post will help.


First of all, my respect that you are going this way and that you will overcome your inhibitions / fears🍀

I would probably write 3-5 sentences about it. Such as:

Dear Mr. / Ms. (Dr.)

I'm writing to you because I would like to ask you for an appointment.

I often have exaggerated fears (or) fear of… (Or) I'm very worried… And that noticeably limits my quality of life (for 6 months). These problems usually occur in the evening (or) when I go shopping in the supermarket. I find it difficult to overcome these fears (or) manage the worries alone. I hope that you can help me and therefore I would like to ask you to make an appointment for an interview.

With best regards (from model town)

I wouldn't write too much either so that it doesn't take so long to read. I also included a few alternatives in the formulation ().

Greetings ☺️ and go through with it. The first time is often the hardest. When you've done that, it'll be easier.


Thank you very much for the detailed answer so late. ❤️ I've been putting it off for so long because I don't know what to write. The written version is still the simplest, because you can do it quickly with a little motivational boost when you have already finished the text. Then I'll cobble together a text tonight. 🙈 Thank you! ❤️


Gladly ☺️ I understand that it takes some effort. If you carry it around with you for so long, some things build up inside.

The text probably doesn't have to be super perfect at all.


It works without that - just call…


It would have been nice if you had read the text beforehand. Then you would have read that I'm well aware that you can call, I just want to come up with an alternative plan for which you can also contact in writing. In addition, the tip "Just call" for someone who really struggles with himself, and you do not know the reasons why, really bad and empathy advice. If it were that simple, I wouldn't have to ask a "how" question here.


Thanks for the star 🍀☺️


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