Turkey summer vacation by car?


We as a family (4Personen 2Kinder) want this August for the first time by car (Chevrolet Orlando, 163Ps, Dachgepäck) in Turkey. Normally, I would rather fly than all the years, but we have been told that you should have experienced it at least once. This is what we want to do this year and make our own picture about it. Now to our questions.

Which route can you recommend, there are some?

What would the route cost approximately round trip incl. Toll?

What should we pay attention to, you hear and read a lot of horror stories?

We have at the Foreign Offices of the respective countries one passes through, read that a German identity card is sufficient and you do not need a passport. Experiences for this?

What about the car at the border control in Turkey, you have to pay attention or fill something out?

We would like to get answers to the questions we have asked and really do not want to hear if we do not want to think again about driving by car or rather to fly.

As a family, we would like to thank all of you who took the time to answer.

LG testperson07

ps; The trip is planned 3.8.19 and the return 1.9.19 plus minus one. You are welcome to join as a family.


For calculating the costs http://www.viamichelin.de is quite good.